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Gestating Baby Volume 6: Mia Martelli and Justin Maxwell
Mia Martelli and Justin Maxwell
September 21 - September 23
$20 – $30
The Brick presents
Gestating Baby Volume 6: Mia Martelli and Justin Maxwell
September 21-23, 2023
at Brick Aux – 628 Metropolitan Ave
Featuring Two New Works
Sitting by a body of water in the dark by Mia Martelli and Moise and the World of Reason, adapted from the Tennessee Williams novel by Justin Maxwell
Sitting by a body of water in the dark
by Mia Martelli
Sitting by a body of water in the dark is a neon duet set on the beach that establishes and destroys improvisational forms, poetry, and prayer.
Performed by Mia Martelli, Nina Guevara and Noa Rui-Piin Weiss
Sound edited by Mia Martelli
Videos sourced from Ewa Partum’s Active Poetry (1971)
Sitting by a body of water in the dark mythologizes Ewa Partum’s 1971 performance film “Active Poetry”, in which Partum’s tosses paper letters into various natural environments, letting them be carried by the wind or water. Set on the beach and in a wash of 90s electronic music, this duet confronts the invisible with movement, vocalizations, and animal imagery. Language, prayer, and karaoke crest and fall and reduce to somatic potential.
Image Credit: Photographed by Mia Martelli, of Nina Guevara and Noa Rui-Piin Weiss
Find them: Miamartelli.com IG: @mia.martelli
Sitting by a body of water in the dark was created while in residence with MOtiVE Brooklyn, The Monira Foundation, and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council on behalf of Shana Crawford. It premiered at PAGEANT in July of 2023.
Moise and the World of Reason
adapted from the Tennessee Williams novel by Justin Maxwell
Loneliness threatens to overwhelm a struggling writer. One chapter of his life is ending, does a new chapter begin or does his story end?
Find them: justinmaxwellplaywright.com
Gestating Baby is a semi-regular series of split bill performances curated by Theresa Buchheister and Ryan William Downey that presents new and unpredictable works across the spectrum of theatrical performing arts. It began in 2013 at The Silent Barn and is now revived at The Brick Theater in Brooklyn, NY.
Artist Bios
Mia Martelli is a dance artist based in Brooklyn, NY. She creates performance works and videos that implement poetry, improvisation, and sound-making. She has been Artist-in-Residence with organizations such as the West Harlem Art Fund, New Dance Alliance, and the Monira Foundation. Her live work has been presented through the Performance Mix Festival, AUNTS, The Brick, PAGEANT, and on Rockaway Beach. Her videos and visual art have been published by GRRL Haus Cinema, Queer Spectra Arts festival, MONO NO AWARE, and several independent zines and publications. Mia has collaborated as a performer for Chloe London, Jessie Young, Jordan Demetrius Lloyd, Julie Mayo, and Sacha Vega.
Justin Maxwell is a professor, teaching playwriting in the Creative Writing Workshop at the University of New Orleans. His playwriting book The Playwright’s Toolbox is forthcoming from Applause Books in 2024. Currently, he’s adapting the Tennessee Williams novel Moise and the World of Reason into a full-length play with The Tennessee Williams Theater Company and writing “100 MDQs for Plays of Praise” as part of Erik Ehn’s 100K project. His play An Outopia for Pigeons is out from Original Works Publishing, and Your Lithopedion is out from Next Stage Press. His play Palimpsests of Agrippina Minor was awarded at ATLAS-BoR Grant in 2020-21 His prose has appeared in multiple journals including Theatre/Practice, Eleven Eleven, The Fourth River, Minnesota Playlist, Contemporary Theatre Review, American Theatre Magazine, and others.
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Mask Policy: The Brick strongly encourages but does not require masks for audience members. We are in ongoing conversation with our artists and audiences as we continue to adapt our covid policies and it is subject to change at any time. Thank you.
A Note on Accessibility: The Brick has trigger warnings posted in the space for each show for you to check if you so choose. If you would rather ask questions in advance of being in the space or would like to enter in advance of house opening due to our seating not being assigned, please reach out to theresa@bricktheater.com.