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Brick(Flix)End-Of-Year Party!
December 19
The Brick, Brick Aux and BrickFlix presents
Brick(Flix) End-Of-Year Party!
December 19, 2023
6pm – Drinks and snacks
7pm – Two Boots Pizza!
8pm – Toasts!
9pm – Remember the Night
Preston Sturges on Remember the Night (note- it the last script he wrote before he started directing): “It had quite a lot of schmaltz [sentiment], a good dose of schmerz [pain, grief] and just enough schmutz [dirt] to make it box office.”
One of the finest — and least known — Christmas movies, Remember the Night is also arguably director Mitchell Leisen‘s best film. It benefits immensely from a sterling Preston Sturges screenplay that manages to mine all the emotion and sentiment from its “different worlds” story without ever falling into bathos. Needless to say, the screenplay is also chock-full of the incisive wit, ear for a nifty turn of phrase, and insightful character studies that are a trademark of Sturges’ later classic comedies. He is one of the few writers of the period who could have skated as close to the edge of soapy melodrama as the twin homecoming sequences without falling over. The film’s heartwarming tugs are genuine, achieved with a bare minimum of manipulation. Leisen deserves credit for serving the material so adeptly. If the first courtroom scene is a bit awkward, it’s the only place in the film where the director falters. He is helped, of course, by the irreplaceable Barbara Stanwyck. As usual, the actress is curiously radiant, a tough girl whose softness is totally believable. Fred MacMurray is a perfect foil for her, strong but tender, a man whose niceness is never cloying and whose toughness is tempered with mercy. The rest of the cast gives excellent support, especially Beulah Bondi, Elizabeth Patterson, and Sterling Holloway. An excellent film, Night deserves a place in the holiday pantheon beside such better-known titles as Miracle on 34th Street and The Bells of St. Mary’s.
Free pizza from Two Boots
BrickFlix is a film series curated and co-produced by Phil Hartman (Sundance Award-winner No Picnic; The Pioneer Theater; HOWL! Festival, etc.) bringing together indie filmmakers, vintage treasures, live performances and specially-themed Two Boots pizza. Follow us on IG @brickflixmovies. Co-produced by Toney Brown (Mules, IG @toneymovies)
cw: Christmas Rom Com from 1940
Follow them: @toneymovies @brickflixmovies
The Brick is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. We rely on the generosity of our patrons. Consider giving a tax-deductible donation today to help make The Brick a sustainable hub of experimental performance for many years to come. Donate Here or Join Our Patreon
A Note on Accessibility: The Brick has trigger warnings posted in the space for each show for you to check if you so choose. If you would rather ask questions in advance of being in the space or would like to enter in advance of house opening due to our seating not being assigned, please reach out to theresa@bricktheater.com.
Mask Policy: The Brick strongly encourages but does not require masks for audience members. We are in ongoing conversation with our artists and audiences as we continue to adapt our covid policies and it is subject to change at any time. Thank you.