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?!: New Works 2023 – Night 3
Mike Steele, Charlie Chauca, Emmanuelle Zagoria, Justine-Juliette
April 7
$20 – $50
The Brick presents
?!: New Works 2023 – Night 3
featuring Mike Steele, Charlie Chauca, Emmanuelle Zagoria, Justine–Juliette
April 7, 2023
The spiritual successor to The Exponential Festival, ?!:New Works features a veritable slew of experiment(al)(ing) artists from a variety of disciplines presenting brand new work. Working it out. With each other. With you.
Disaster Theatre
by Mike Steele
A bio-engineered fly in the ointment. Acid rain on our parade. Spaghetti in the ice cream. It’s all a disaster. Mike and Skye repurpose pop culture disaster tropes to create a performance medley of text, sound, video and movement that confronts our disastrous realities.
Written by Mike Steele
Created and Performed by Mike Steele and Skye Fort
Video by Skye Fort
Photo by Skye Fort
Graphic Design by Nora Steele
Created by Anabel Lugones De León and Charlie Chauca
A desperate escape for calmer waters in an ocean filled with sharks, ¿Cómo Puedo Amarme? dives inside the mind of a Non-Binary Cuban-Dominican, ELLE , amidst their ongoing fight with clinical depression. Through dance, spiritual encounters and scar-filled memories, ELLE, attempts to outswim a storm of sharks to find peace within themselves or drown in familial waters.
Performed by Anabel Lugones De León
Directed by Charlie Chauca
Costume Design by Izzy McClelland
Follow them: Anabel Lugones IG: @Happyfeministhippie . Charlie Chauca IG: @Charliechauca . Izzy McClelland IG: @Izzymcclelland
What’s in the handbag? An experimental feminist disco party
by Emanuelle Zagoria
What’s in the handbag? Nobody knows. Whatever it is, it is deep, festive, collective, devastating, ferocious…This show is an attempt to uncover, celebrate, liberate the ancient depths of what might be inside. There will be songs, loops, synthesis, scientific text samples and other incongruous elements which may deter, defer or entertain on the journey to answer this fundamental question. Hooray.
Written, composed, performed by Emmanuelle Zagoria
Samples from: Judith Butler: Butler, J (2011, June 6). Judith Butler: Your Behavior Creates Your Gender | Big Think (video). YouTube.;
Alain de Botton: de Botton, A. (2006). On Love. Grove Press/Atlantic Monthly Press.;
Marilyn Waring: Waring, M; TED. (2020, February 17). The unpaid work that GDP ignores — and why it really counts | Marilyn Waring. YouTube. ;
Howard Becker: Becker, H (2012).“Creativity is Not a Scarce Commodity” American Behavioral Scientist, 61, no. 12 (2017): 1579-88. Retreived from https://www.howardsbecker.com/articles/creativity.html
Follow them: @emmanuellezagoria
Dracula’s Janitor
by Justine Juliette
What if Dracula had a janitor? Let’s find out!
Written and directed by Justine-Juliette
starring Matthew de Costanza
Stage Manager/Board Op: Alex Aguirre
Find them: justinejuliette.com ig:justine.juliette
cw: strobe, jump scare
Lineups are subject to change.
Art by Mark Toneff
The Brick is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. We rely on the generosity of our patrons. Consider giving a tax-deductible donation today to help make The Brick a sustainable hub of experimental performance for many years to come. Donate Here or Join Our Patreon
A Note on Accessibility: The Brick has trigger warnings posted in the space for each show for you to check if you so choose. If you would rather ask questions in advance of being in the space or would like to enter in advance of house opening due to our seating not being assigned, please reach out to theresa@bricktheater.com.
In consideration for the health and safety or our staff members, artists, and audiences, The Brick remains committed to maintaining vaccination requirements and mask mandates for our in-person presentations for the foreseeable future. We ask that all audience members remain masked. All staff and performers will be vaccinated; performers may not be masked. Audience can provide proof of vaccination with a government issued I.D. along with a physical copy or picture of your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card, the NYC COVID Safe App or the New York State Excelsior Pass. Please be patient with staff.